
Dxn code strike reveiws

Dxn code strike   stress and the cortisol levels can cause a rectal dysfunction so Marcus there's a lot of causes for erectile dysfunction and not being able to obtain or maintain okay please talk about the define the differences between the points they're just different there have a different chemical construction so the figuration of molecules create the different B vitamins so just like you know when you're labeling is C is a certain like it was structured B vitamins they're all under the same family because they have a certain base but then they have different aspects and interact differently in your body that's the difference I mean I don't want to go into like b12 does this but they do have different effects in the body they do work as different cofactors and in different processes but they have the same basic you know structure that's why they are called they're all B vitamins but it gives kated into the chemistry of the differences so any other